Its been a heck of a week, I'm having some days where I start at 5:30 in the morning with a run, get home, shower, make breakfast for the kids, get them to school, head to the mountain, train hard all day, grocery shop, pick up the kids from after school care, make dinner, get them started on homework, teach an MA class, put the kids in bed, give a massage to a client, work out my core, shower, and fall in bed exhausted.
Its a lot, but each portion is rewarding, fulfilling and necessary. Managing how these things happen while balancing everything is challenging, and some stuff falls through the cracks, (especially when one of my kids ends up ill, wow does THAT throw a curve ball in the mix), but I'm finding that I can do this.
Alissa has moved back in with us, and we missed her muchly, her enthusiasm for training helps me work out harder even when I'm tired, and she never gets sick of me talking about turn shape.
My little sister, Liat is moving down from Salt Lake, and we are somehow going to find a place for all of us to live after Christmas in harmonious chaos.
Meanwhile, the crossover from shoulder season to teaching is happening slowly, I'm not booked until the 17th, which is why I still need to crank out the writing and the massage, so we can pay our bills. While I feel a bit on the scramble to survive side, I also feel really positive.
I miss writing my blog, because I am making sure that I am with my kids, training hard, eating well and sleeping enough so I have patience with my kids, concentration during the day, and longevity to give a good massage in the evening.
I'm grateful to be on track, being back on snow makes me feel energized, enthusiastic and sane. Working on skiers who are also training hard is incredibly rewarding, because I feel like I can facilitate their healing, opening, strengthening, whatever they need, so that they can perform well on snow, too.
The boys and I are helping each other out, they ask me how my day is and if I am getting strong, and I ask them about robotics club and choir, reading and recess.
We just finished reading the second Harry Potter book, and Ethan is now reading the third one to us, for a change, which is wonderful.
All in all, I'm finding the rhythm of my life, and that feels good. I still need to work on managing my schedule so that the little things, (and some big things) don't fall through the cracks or get put off indefinitely, but I feel like I am gaining ground here, and there is a light ahead.
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