WOW, what a day. First of all, we had our morning meeting, and I won our Ruby Scraper award! Every month, Dave and Bonnie give out an award to an outstanding employee, and today, I was recognized for being encouraging to people to train! YAY! It was really cool, because sometimes I think people think I am crazy or annoying with my whole obsessive training pathology, so it was really really cool for my boss to say "Good Job!" about it. I feel loved!
Next, Karen gave a great talk about teaching in the Affective Domain, all about really reaching your students when they are being affected by their emotional mind. I love that topic!

Then, I had my Mitey Mites, who are really doing well, and I took them into jump city and we watched the National Slolom race, and then we learned how to carve! And they DID it! And one of them actually THANKED me for teaching him how to ski better!

THEN, I got to eat lunch with my kids and Tom in Playcare, and THEN I got to go back out on the Elans into Charlie Stocker's next clinic. From 1 - 4, about, we were out working on all kinds of stuff, and at the end of the day, I had a HUGE breakthrough! YES! Why does this always happen with 10 minutes left to pratice? It was awesome. I will make a little video about it tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Waffles, ski with Bodhi, race clinic, exam scoring clinic, then straight to Salt Lake City to ski with Rob Sogard for three days and to get Alisa's boots done!
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