Anyhow, we were worried that that amount of rain would make the snow rotten, so rather than riding our bikes up the Fairy Lake Road and then hiking up to the couloir, we decided to ski something closer. We drove out to Bridger at about 8 in the morning, a nice late start, and hiked up the Bronco Face to ski Madman.

I am not entirely sure what I was planing on skinning up, as the only snow anywhere was stuck in the north-facing couloirs like little mini glaciers. Angela, wisely, was in shorts and a tank top, good hiking tennies, and had all her gear (minus skins) in her big backpack. Man, I learn new stuff every single time I go skiing!! Angela loaned me a pair of tennis shoes and off we went.

The first lap on Madmans was really fun, the snow was compacted from the summer melt, so we could actually push on it, and get our skis to do some fun stuff, and dodging the little rockfall that littered the chute was a bit like a high-speed video game with tuning bench consequences!

She laughed. "Do it! No one is here! I've hiked in my underwear, naked, whatever, do what you gotta do!"
So I stripped down to my Performance Panties and off we went again, this time to the top of the Bridger Ridge and then along the spine to the North until we got to Hidden Couloir. I couldn't figure out why the second lap was so much better, faster, and more fun... and then I realized, I wasn't wearing black snow pants!

The snow was clinging to hidden like a solid slab just pasted on to the earth below, and I really wanted to ski it from the top. Angela has skied this line before, and she was deciding to go around the side, as in the pinch, there was only enough snow for about 1/2 of my ski to be in contact as I side slipped through the narrow portion.

I was nervous, but not out of my skin, I had been planing on making two small turns from the top, sideslipping the narrows, and then skiing out into the second section, but I ended up sidesliping the top two "turns" as well, as I didn't want to be off-line for the pinch and end up in the space between the snowpack and the rock wall!

She and Jake, her lovely golden retriever and ski companion, hiked around and dropped in. I have a great video of that portion of the ski, but its sideways, and I have to make lunch for the boys, so I'll post it in a bit. Jake was nervous to come down because it is very very steep, but she managed to encourage him to run down. The smart dog did a series of switchbacks to manage the pitch, and we skied out.

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