Friday, September 18, 2009

Greetings from the bridger ridge and some thoughts.

Greetings from the bridger ridge! Luka and i just drank a a huge camel back bladder full of water while getting our asses handed to us in a basket in the scorching sun! Feels good to be training again, tho. Came up with some articles to write on this hike.: why we teach, dry land training progressions, revamp the boot fitting article, and a Blog post on care and feeding of personal relationships. Not heading up to Baldy, not enough water! Now, hike down and write letters to my sponsors asking how i can be most helpful this season, and take the boys to the river for an hour or so. Oh! Also a post on getting back on track again, how that will always have to happen, and how to minimise the impact of getting off track.

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