Thursday, February 23, 2012

Health and fitness and planning update...

I've been sick for almost a month, with a brief two day respite between horrible icky colds. The worst part is, my kids haven't even been sick this year! Im wondering if I'm not more susceptible to it because my body is still healing from the surgery in my neck. Whatever it is, I feel like I'm becoming an expert at working while sick, healing slowly, and then restarting my fitness regime. It's time to just take the right number of days off and heal all the way, for heavens sake!

I'm so grateful for Kurt for that reason, he is my leverage in the reality corner. His pragmatism, combined with his own understanding of nutrition and fitness and rest and recovery helps me to push myself harder than I otherwise would, and make sure at the same time that im not over training. He helps me keep my schedule as a plan, which is mutable should my body need more rest. I'm learning to not need a motivator other than myself, to work so hard with accountability only to me, no workout partner, just people I run into when I am working out. I feel so much more connected to myself, my motivations and my understanding than I ever have.

It used to be a scary chore to train by myself, and it took six years of practice and the guidance of this string, opinionated, super smart man who I respect so much to teach me to do it on my own, by me, for me, with critical thinking and foresight for consequence guiding me.

So here I am, mostly healed and getting healthier every day. I still have a minor cough and a sore throat, and my energy is a bit lower than normal, but I'm 90% healed and I need to get back at it. It was really hard to take the extra five days or so of total rest that I needed to get to this point, I just wanted to get back to Crossfit in a way that was making me feel crazy. And my neck hurts if I don't go to Bikram yoga regularly.

So here we are, I started up slowly. Back to yoga day 1, and a day of easy skiing with a client. Which was good, because I still don't have good endurance back. Day 2, 8am Crossfit another day of easy skiing, swimming with the kids at the arc, and then a couple of hours with Mark Rolfus working on a boot issue.

Today, rest day again, took the kids to Glennwood hot springs to soak my Super Intense Super Spreness out of my body and encourage them to swim laps by accident. They both can swim twice across the pool with no rest! That's an improvement! Back home for dinner (kale, beets, onions and asparagus, goji and coconut for desert) and then an hour of trampoline class! (so fun, more on that coming).

Tonight, I feel healthy, rested, and not exhausted, which feels great. I feel like things are starting to click into place, and I am finally feeling healthy, and stronger. I feel positive.

So I'm looking forward to building up to the level of activity that I would have liked to have been doing since September, but because of life, I'm getting to now. I'm happy and grateful to have the use of my hand and to be healthy, so while it would have been nice to start earlier, it's really nice to be starting now!!

Here's the plan im working up to for the next 56 days:

Mondays: Crossfit, ski, run, Bikram

Tuesdays: Skin, First Tracks One ski drills, ski, Bikram

Wednesday: Crossfit, ski, Bikram, tune, Run,

Thursday: skin, first tracks no poles drills, ski, Trampoline class

Friday: Crossfit, ski, Bikram, Run

Saturday: ski, Bikram, tune

Rest day (except for ski with client) massage, maybe Bikram

Food: no alcohol, no sugar (except from some fruit but not much and no juice other than coconut), reduced carbs (ESP breads), lots and lots of nutrient dense vegis, fiber, and so on. Lots of water, almost a gallon a day. Fish 3x per week. About 4700 calories a day.

Maintenance: keep gear in good shape, in bed by 9 asleep by 10 (whoops missing that one tonight), weekly massage to keep neck healthy with new load on it. Good healthy food and lots of water. As much sleep as possible. If I'm still sore or fatigued, no workout that day. The last thing to go off the daily schedule is Bikram as I eliminate things to fit with the health picture of the day. Epsom salt baths have become a nightly experience. 14 hours of sleep on Sundays.

Game on, let's play!



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