Okay, NOW I KNOW why Subaru is the official car of the US Ski team! I borrowed Clay's little Outback and bombed up Hyalite Canyon behind our house. It was like the Outback Rodeo, sliding and bucking and bouncing all over the place on my way up the hill. Poor Wya (my German Shepherd) was flying all over the place, my coffee was bouncing out of the holder, my skis were slapping together, it was chaos! (But really really fun chaos). I got up to the Palisades Falls campground and didn't want to drive any further for fear of getting High Lined, so I threw on my skins and went up the rest of the road to the trail head for Emerald Lake.
Unfortunately, it was thundering and snowing a bit, an odd combination to say the least, and Wya looked incredibly nervous. I thought for a while she was going to get close enough just to stand on my skis, like tandem skinning. I finally decided that skiing in the mountains by myself with big metal poles in my hands while it is thundering is a less than great idea, peeled off my skins and skated back to the car.
1 hour of cardio at 125 bpm avg.
Gym Tonight:
Legs day: Total leg machine, hamstring curl, dead lifts in the smith machine, standing squat in the smith machine, calf raises. Abs on the ball. Alternated one foot balance drills with weights.
Boot drills (in ski boots).
I think you rock and you can so totally make the team in 5 years.
No, YOU rock, and YOU will totally make the team in five years! I am so glad we are training together!!
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