Saturday, September 15, 2007

Training Log: September 15

YES! I WENT BACK TO THE GYM! And here is why this is exciting. It has been over 2 months since I lifted. But this time when stuff happened, and life interrupted, I had patience for my life, I allowed it to be okay that my training was interrupted, and I was able to stay positive, and to do what I could (drink water, take vitamins, not give up mentally) up until about a month and a half went by.

The last two weeks were cranky, and concerned (have I blown it, will I ever start again, am I cut out to go the distance...) But the great thing is... I went back. I started again.

And now, I am sore.

Chest day: bench press, chest press, flies, shoulders on the bosu ball, abs on the ball.

1 comment:

The Catharine Chronicles said...

Advil, dahling... Advil... every four to six hours. I feel for you. Chest was the toughest to bounce back from for me, especially when I was working with the trainer, and she was really kicking my butt. It never feels as if I'm working out that hard at the time. And then... well... the next day, I can't life my arms above my navel for two hours after I wake up. But then, I'm old and fairly out of shape.

Go, young sprig.... go and work thy pectorals....
