Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rockin' like Docken

Happy Birthday, Andy!!

Let's take a poll:
Andy Docken MOST resembles:

a. this guy

b. this guy

c. this guy

d. The love child of all of the above!


post a comment to cast your vote!
ps. bonus points if you can tell us who each of these people are and what movie or event they are in!

pps. ANDY! Thanks for making skiing always always fun, even when its (or you are) kicking my ass!


Anonymous said...

Most of the time A, but sometimes B!

SkiingandTheWorld said...

sorry Andy, but I have to go with (a) Must be all those years hanging with Schanzy and looking like the innocent

Happy Birthday!

~ Doc

a said...

Okay, and because there wasn't an actual "click to vote" poll, I got emailed a bunch of times, so the official results are:

Andy Docken is the love child of all of the above!

8 total votes... next time I'll put in a click poll, geeze, slackers...