Friday, November 2, 2007

More Ski Swap Info: Today is Consignment Day, Sale Starts Tomorrow at 8am!

Greetings from Bridger Creek:

The ski season officially begins Saturday with the annual Ski Swap. The Swap is a major find raiser for our parent Bridger Ski Foundation with money raised divided between Nordic, Alpine and Freestyle disciplines. The Swap is also a great opportunity for recycling older equipment and picking up a great deal on new or used equipment. The new equipment typically comes from local ski shops cleaning out last year's inventory. Today, Friday November 2nd is consignment day from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. Each items costs $1.00 to consign. BSF keeps 15% of the sale price. Checks for sold items will be mailed in approximately 2 weeks. Admission for the Swap is $2.00 for non-members on Saturday and free on Sunday. The sale runs from 8-6 on Saturday and 10-2 on Sunday. Unsold equipment can be picked up on Sunday from 2-5. BSF will accept cash, checks or credit cards.

The trick to getting the best deal is to shop early and everyone knows it. There will be a long line on Saturday morning. For BSF members who help work the Swap the sale begins at 8:00 A.M., for non-working BSF members the sale begins at 9:00 A.M. and for the general public the sale begins at 10:00 A.M. Today would be an ideal time to join BSF for the season. Memberships will also be sold tomorrow morning at the Swap. Even if you don't plan to go to the Swap, a membership in your local ski club goes to support all the local ski programs you enjoy ( For example, the grooming at Bridger Creek occurs under BSF's liability insurance policy.

Ski season will soon be here. See you at the Fairgrounds.

Happy Trails,

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