Saturday, December 15, 2007

BOOT-astrophe. Dangit.

So, I was REALLY excited to come to Aspen, Shannon agreed to drive with me, and I cleaned out my gear, brought everything home, tuned my skis, packed, emailed everyone I know in Aspen, begged a place on Cindy's couch, was excited to catch up with Megan and Andy and see Aspen for the first time, as well as FINALLY get my boots done by Master Bootfitter Jim Lindsay.

Alas, the appointment I thought I had was filled before it got confirmed, and there are no more appointments free until February.

We are supposed to leave in like nine hours. Sadness. SO, I called Karen Kirk and she suggested that I go see Brent Amsbury in Salt Lake City. I've emailed him, and Rob Sogard, hoping to find a place to stay, and get an appointment and maybe, if I am really lucky, hook up with Rob and ski with him this week.

I am sad about Aspen, but I will WILL be there in February (that trip is all booked and confirmed, thank goodness). Cross your fingers that we can work something out in Salt Lake, as I need to be out of my Tennis Shoes (AT gear) and into real boots pronto!!

*** UPDATE ***
I got an appointment! I'm seeing Brent Monday at 4. I think we are going to stay in a motel. We'll see if Rob's around to ski with! Happiness!

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